Herbert Klaeren
(Reverse chronological order)
(together with K John Gough)
Executable Assertions and Separate
, Joint Modular Languages Conference 1997, Linz, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1204, p. 41-52
(together with Friedrich Diestelmeier, Christiane Floyd and
Christel Keller)
``Informatik und Gesellschaft'' - ein
Fernstudienbaustein für das grundständige Studium am
Deutsches Institut für Fernstudienforschung, Tübingen 1996
(together with M. Plümicke and E. Hiti)
Resolving of
Overloading and Subtyping
, Perspectives of System Informatics,
Preliminary Proceedings, p. 286-291. Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, June
Programming Languages: A Framework for
Comparison and Choice
, chapter in: M. Woodman (ed.),
Programming Language Choice - Practice and Experience
, p. 7-27,
International Thomson Publishing, 1996
(together with John Gough)
Eliminating Range Checks using
Static Single Assignment Form
, Proceedings of ACSC-19, Melbourne 1996
(together with Martin Plümicke)
Concepts for Overloading and Subtyping in an
Algebraic Specification Language
, Berichte des
Wilhelm-Schickard-Instituts, WSI-95-22, 1995
(together with Friedemann Banhart)
A Graphical Query Generator
for Clinical Research Databases
, Methods of Information in
Medicine, vol. 34 (1995), p. 328-339
(together with Andreas Möstel)
of Garbage Collector Performance Test Beds Based on Probability
, submitted for publication
Strukturierte Programmierung
, in:
``Kleines Lexikon der Informatik'', G. Zilahi-Szabó (ed.), Oldenbourg
Verlag, 1995
(together with P. Thiemann)
Merging Formal Methods With Rapid Prototyping
17th Int. Confr. Software Engineering, Workshop on
Formal Methods Application in Software Engineering Practice, Seattle, 1995,
p. 39-46
(together with J. Busse and G. Reich)
Informatikkenntnisse von Jugendlichen,
untersucht am Beispiel des 11. Bundeswettbewerbs Informatik
Berichte des Wilhelm-Schickard-Instituts, WSI-95-2, 1995
(together with M. Plümicke)
Subtyping and Overloading in a Functional
Programming Language
, Berichte des
Wilhelm-Schickard-Instituts, WSI-94-14, 1994
(together with K. J. Gough)
Eliminating Range Checks using Static Single Assignment Form
Berichte des Wilhelm-Schickard-Instituts, WSI-94-13, 1994
Überlegungen zum Programmierstil
Computer und Unterricht, 4. Jhg., Heft 16, 1994, 52-54
(together with F. Banhard und E. Zrenner)
Eine graphische
Oberfläche für die Generierung von Datenbankanfragen basierend auf
einem objektorientierten Datenmodell
, GI Workshop
``Benutzungsschnittstellen für Datenbanken'', Kassel 1994, GI
:64-66, Mai 1994
Probleme des Software Engineering: Die Programmiersprache -
Werkzeug des Softwareentwicklers
, Informatik-Spektrum
(together with F. Banhard und E. Zrenner)
An Object-Oriented
Database Front End for Clinical Research Information Systems
Medical Informatics in Europe: MIE 94. Proc. 12th Int. Congress of the
European Federation for Medical Informatics, Lisboa, p. 506-510, 1994
Vom Problem zum Programm - Entstehung
der Wissenschaft Informatik
, Erfurter Universitätslesungen,
Jahrgang 1993
Gibt es Software Engineering?
, Berichte des
Wilhelm-Schickard-Instituts, WSI-92-11, 1992
Some Elements of a Modula-2 Development Environment
, 2nd
Modula-2 Conference, Loughborough 1991, p. 225-233
Vom Problem zum Programm - Eine Einführung in die
, Teubner Verlag 1990, 2. neubearb. Auflage, 1991
ModAs/86 - Eine funktionale Programmierumgebung
Workshop Programmierumgebungen für funktionale und
logische Sprachen, Bad Honnef
(together with P. Thiemann)
A Clean Modula-2 Interface to Abstract Data Types
Structured Programming
, Vol. 11 (1990), 69-77
Celerity Modula-2 Utilities Reference Manual
Embedding Functionally Described Abstract Data Types into
Modula-2 Programs
First International Modula-2 Conference, Bled, 1989, p. 115-119,
also in:
Microprocessors and Microsystems
, Vol. 14 (1990),
p. 161-166
Celerity Modula-2 Compiler Reference Manual
Ein algebraischer Ansatz zur Rekursionselimination
Habilitationsschrift, RWTH Aachen, 1988
(together with K. Indermark)
Compiling Fibonacci-like Recursion
Efficient Implementation of an Algebraic Specification Language
Invited Lecture:
Esprit METEOR Workshop Algebraic Methods, Theory, Tools, and
Passau 1987, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 1989, p. 69-90
(together with K. Indermark)
A New Implementation Technique for Recursive Function
Aachener Informatik-Berichte, 87-10, 1987
(together with K. Indermark)
Efficient Implementation of Structural Recursion
Proc. Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Kazan 1987,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
A Constructive Method for Abstract Algebraic Software
Theoretical Computer Science,
(Fundamental Studies, 1984), 139-204
Algebraische Spezifikation - Eine Einführung
Springer Lehrbuch Informatik, 1983
On Parameterized Abstract Software Modules Using Inductively
Specified Operations
AFCET Coll. Les Mathématiques de l'Informatique,
Paris 1982,
Dunod 1982, pp. 289-300
(together with K. Indermark)
Automatentheorie und Formale Sprachen I
RWTH Aachen, Schriften zur Informatik und Angewandten
Mathematik Nr. 71, 1981
The SRDL Specification Experiment
Workshop on Program Specification, Aarhus 1981,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Recursive Definitions of Operations in Universal Algebras
Workshop on Program Specification, Aarhus 1981,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(together with M. Schulz)
Computable Algebras, Word Problems, and Canonical Term
5. GI Fachtagung Theoretische Informatik, Karlsruhe 1981,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(together with H. Petzsch)
Algebraic Software Specification and Compiler Generation
- A Case Study
RWTH Aachen, Schriften zur Informatik und Angewandten
Mathematik Nr. 68, 1981
(together with H. Petzsch)
The Development of an Interpreter by Means of Abstract
Algebraic Software Specifications
Int. Colloquium on Formalization of Programming Concepts,
Peniscola 1981,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
A Simple Class of Algorithmic Specifications for Abstract Software
9th Symposium on Math. Foundations of Computer Science,
Rydzyna 1980,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Bibliography on Algebraic Software Specification
EATCS Bulletin
(1980), pp. 76-87
An Abstract Software Specification Technique Based on Structural
Eine Klasse von Algebren mit struktureller Rekursion und ihre
Anwendung bei der
abstrakten Software-Spezifikation
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen, 1980
Datenräume mit algebraischer Struktur
RWTH Aachen, Schriften zur Informatik und Angewandten
Mathematik Nr. 43, 1978
Potenzkategorien und ihre Anwendung auf den Beweis von
Automata Theory and Formal Languages, 2nd GI Conference,
Kaiserslautern 1975,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Ausführl. Fassung: Universität Bonn, Informatik-Berichte Nr. 8, 1975
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